Based in Cape Town, Quality Touring Services have been in operation since 1997.

Online Bookings

To make your holiday as memorable as possible, please take the time to fill in the following form to assist us in planning your trip. If there are any special destinations you wish to visit, please make sure you enter these in the "Ideal Holiday Experience" field.
Once you have sent the form to Mpumalanga Experience, we will mail you back with a preliminary itinerary where you can adjust your trip to suite your needs and budget.

We look forward to helping you plan your perfect vacation.

We look forward to hearing from you.
To make a booking, please fill in the form below and we will get back to you:
Name & Surname: *  
Email: *  
Telephone:(+intl dial code):*  
Please supply the following information for your preliminary booking:
Which Conference will you be attending?  
Arrival Date (YY-MM-DD):  
Departure Date (YY-MM-DD):  
Flight number :  
Arrival time:  
Arriving from:  
Number of people:  
I am interested in visiting the following tours:  
Any other suggestions for your holiday booking:*  

  * is a required field

  Pay Now *Please use your surname as the reference.